Where is Rawalpindi Located? What Country is Rawalpindi in? Rawalpindi Map | Where is Map

Where is Rawalpindi Located? What Country is Rawalpindi in? Rawalpindi Map

Where is Rawalpindi Located?

Rawalpindi is located in Pakistan. It is positioned in the “Asia/Karachi” time zone (GMT+5 ) with current time of 10:30, Saturday (time difference from your time zone: 2 hours). Rawalpindi is the seat of a second-order administrative division in Punjab with a population of ~ 1.7 million.

What Country is Rawalpindi in?

Islamabad is modern, spacious, comfortable, and completely detached from the Rest of the country, Rawalpindi is the exact opposite. Here it is dusty and noisy, honking traffic is constantly forcing its way through the crowded streets of the city. Small alleys and dilapidated houses characterize the image. Ambulatory traders sell fruit and vegetables on huge improvised wooden carts. Entire streets are lined with Sock vendors and flower binders. There is everything here, from laxatives to dentures. Chai Wallahs, tea sellers, rush from one side of the street to the other to get their goods as hot as possible to the next customer. Rawalpindi is messy, dirty, wicked. For us, the ugly sister is much more charismatic.

Rawalpindi Map

Where is Rawalpindi Located? What Country is Rawalpindi in? Rawalpindi Map
Where is Rawalpindi Located? What Country is Rawalpindi in? Rawalpindi Map

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