Where is Juliaca Located? What Country is Juliaca in? Juliaca Map | Where is Map

Where is Juliaca Located? What Country is Juliaca in? Juliaca Map

Where is Juliaca Located?

This city in Peru is located at 3,800 meters above sea level, northwest of Lake Titicaca. It has an airport that receives flights from Lima. This is the fastest way to travel back and forth between the capital and Lake Titicaca, because the bus ride takes about 20 hours. Juliaca is the capital of the San Román Region but is more known as an economic and tourist capital.

What Country is Juliaca in?

If you are in the Region between January and February you should check the dates of the next Carnival, a grandiose festival that the Peruans celebrate in the middle of the street, dressed in local costumes and to traditional music.

Among the few sights, I liked the discovery of the colonial buildings. The Church Matriz de Santa Catalina, or the Franciscan monastery of Juliaca are worth a detour.

Juliaca Map

Where is Juliaca Located? What Country is Juliaca in? Juliaca Map
Where is Juliaca Located? What Country is Juliaca in? Juliaca Map

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