Where is Greenfield Village? How much does it cost to get into Greenfield Village? | Where is Map

Where is Greenfield Village? How much does it cost to get into Greenfield Village?

Where is Greenfield Village?

Henry Ford” moved” over 90 historic buildings from all over the country to his idealized Museum Village.

Among the buildings designed to illustrate the work of famous people are the modest birthplace of Ford himself, the Wright Brothers ‘ Home, and their workshop in Dayton, Ohio, where they conducted the experiments that led to the first successful flight. Also worth a visit are the daily demonstrations of the metalsmiths, glass blowers, Potters, printers and weavers. In addition, walks are offered in the Ford T and by train.

Where is Greenfield Village? How much does it cost to get into Greenfield Village?
Where is Greenfield Village? How much does it cost to get into Greenfield Village?

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