Where is Dongguan Located? What Country is Dongguan in? Dongguan Map | Where is Map

Where is Dongguan Located? What Country is Dongguan in? Dongguan Map

Where is Dongguan Located?

China is booming. In the metropolises of the country it flashes in all possible colors, the cities are always in motion. Superlatives have not impressed the Chinese for a long time. This is now also felt by the largest shopping mall in the world. It stands almost empty and fascinates its few visitors with its ghostly Aura. Look at the Ghost Mall in our photo Show.

What Country is Dongguan in?

Dongguan has long been known as the” factory Bank of the world.” But the city has more to offer: Romantic vistas over the sea and historical places, which give an insight into the exciting history of the Region.

The Humen Fort
Historically and culturally, Humen is an exciting destination. Located on the East Bank of the Pearl River, the city boasts the best-preserved and largest coastal defences: Forts, walls, gatehouses, barracks, tunnels and fountains give an insight into the Opium War, the Sino-French war, the Humen naval battle and the Sino-Japanese war in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Dongguan Map

Where is Dongguan Located? What Country is Dongguan in? Dongguan Map
Where is Dongguan Located? What Country is Dongguan in? Dongguan Map

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