Where is Desha County Arkansas? What cities are in Desha County Arkansas | Where is Map

Where is Desha County Arkansas? What cities are in Desha County Arkansas

Where is Desha County Located

(Cities :Dumas, McGehee, Arkansas City, Mitchellville, Watson, Reed) Desha County is an American County in Arkansas. Desha County has a population of approximately 13.008 thousand. Desha County is located in the state of Arkansas in the United States.

Where is Desha County Located
Where is Desha County Located
What cities are in Desha County Arkansas
What cities are in Desha County Arkansas
Desha County Arkansas
Desha County Arkansas

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One thought on “Where is Desha County Arkansas? What cities are in Desha County Arkansas

  • Оксана

    Located in the Arkansas Delta, Desha County’s rivers and fertile soils prosperous for planters under the cotton-based slave society of plantation agriculture in the antebellum years. After the Civil War, cotton continued as the primary commodity crop into the early h century, and planters did well. Labor was provided by sharecroppers and tenant farmers.


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