Where is Australia? Located in The World? Australia Map | Where is Map

Where is Australia? Located in The World? Australia Map

Where is Australia? / Where is Australia Located in The World? / Australia Map – Australia is a island country at Southern Hemisphere. Australia who located in the ocean, location between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Australia who biggest of Southern Hemisphere, location over a single island.

Where is Australia?

There is no land bound in the country with no country. Australia who a island country and have 8 thousand islands in the around Australia. Australia is biggest 6.country in the world and officially language English. It use currency Australia dollar. According to per person per day, Country of Australia, is most richest 5 country and 2.country in terms of quality of life in the World.

Canberra is capital city of Australia. Australia has temperate climate in a large part and rest of country has tropical climate who It is desert two-thirds of the territory. The most visited of Country; Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane cities. Australia who among visa-seeking countries. You can find plane ticket hrom all around the world.

Quick facts

Population 22,015,576
Density 2.9 / km2 ( 7.4 / mi2 )
Language English
Independence Year 1918
Capital Canberra (Australian Capital Territory)
Currency Australian Dollar
GDP 1,450,000,000,000 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 65,862 (2014 data)
Land Area 7,682,300 km2 (2,966,151 mi2)
Water Area 58,920 km2 (22,749 mi2)
Minimum Longitude 112.910
Maximum Longitude 159.110
Mininum Latitude -54.760
Maximum Latitude -9.230


Map of Australia

Picture of Australia

Where is Australia - Where is Australia Located in The World - Australia Map
Where is Australia – Where is Australia Located in The World – Australia Map

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