Where is Antietam National Battlefield? Where is the battle of Antietam located? | Where is Map

Where is Antietam National Battlefield? Where is the battle of Antietam located?

Where is Antietam National Battlefield?

Address: 302 E Main St, Sharpsburg, MD 21782
Area: 5.078 mi²
Established: August 30, 1890
Phone: (301) 432-5124

The Antietam Battlefield is located in western Maryland near the town of Sharpsburg. The biggest battle lasted 12 hours, then on 17 September 1862. In the end, more than 23,000 victims were to be lamented. The day was to go down in the history books as the bloodiest one-day battle in American history.

The bloodiest one-day battle in American history 23,000 soldiers were killed, wounded or missing on September 17, 1862, after twelve hours of fighting. The Battle of Antietam ended the first Invasion of the Confederate Army from Northern Virginia to the North and led to the issuance of Abraham Lincoln’s preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. Parking areas are open in daylight.

Where is Antietam National Battlefield? Where is the battle of Antietam located?
Where is Antietam National Battlefield? Where is the battle of Antietam located?

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