Where is 928 area code? What area code is 928 | Where is Map
Area Code

Where is 928 area code? What area code is 928

Where is 928 area code? 

928 – Yuma, AZ

What area code is 928

In the extreme south-western tip of Arizona, right at the borders with Mexico and California, Yuma is a city that is hardly known to date outside of America, but is becoming increasingly important, even from a tourist point of view.

Yuma in the summer months, when temperatures average around 40° C, a population of approximately 90,000, in the mild winter months, add to the same number of people. The so-called snowbirds, the pitch here in the Winter quarters, especially from the Northern U.S. States and enjoy in Yuma Winter, where the Thermometer rarely falls below 10° C. The city stands in the Guinness Book of records as the sunniest place in the world, because the sun shines here on average in over 90% of the daylight hours of a year, while only about 8 centimeters of precipitation per year fall.

The daily life in Yuma is characterized to a very small extent by these climatic conditions, as well as by the nearby border. Yuma shares the experience as a border town with her German partner city Frankfurt an der Oder.

Where is 928 area code? What area code is 928
Where is 928 area code? What area code is 928

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