France Map and Map of France, France on Map | Where is Map

France Map and Map of France, France on Map

France Map

France. Country member of the European Union; its capital is Paris. It covers a total area of 550 000 km2 and has a population of 64.3 million. Its form of government is organized as a semi-presidential republic with the official name of the French Republic and the currency Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité (freedom, equality and fraternity), born of the French Revolution.

France is a highly developed country, with a high international diffusion of its culture and a geopolitical influence. It is the fifth largest global economy in terms of GDP, a member of the G8, the euro zone and the Schengen Area, and houses many of the most important multinationals, leaders in various segments of industry and the primary sector, as well as being the world’s first tourist destination, with more than 75 million foreign visitors per year.

Map of France
Map of France
France on Map
France on Map
France Map
France Map

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