Colombia Map and Map of Colombia, Colombia on Map | Where is Map

Colombia Map and Map of Colombia, Colombia on Map

Colombia Map

Colombia. It is a country located in the north-western part of South America, organized constitutionally as a decentralized unitary republic.

Its capital is Bogotá D.C. Its area is 2,070,408 km2, of which 1,141,748 km2 correspond to its continental territory and the remaining 928,660 km2 to its maritime extension, of which it maintains border disputes with Venezuela and Nicaragua. It is bordered to the East by Venezuela and Brazil, to the South by Peru and Ecuador and to the northwest by Panama.

Colombia is the only nation in South America to have coasts in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, where it has several islands such as the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina. Colombia is recognized worldwide for the production of soft coffee, flowers, emeralds, coal and oil and its cultural diversity.

Map of Colombia
Map of Colombia
Colombia on Map
Colombia on Map
Colombia Map
Colombia Map

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