Brazil Map and Map of Brazil, Brazil on Map | Where is Map

Brazil Map and Map of Brazil, Brazil on Map

Brazil Map

Brazil. It is the fifth largest country in the world and the largest in South America, of which it covers almost half the surface area. Located to the east of South America, it borders the Atlantic Ocean to the East, and all states of South America (except Chile and Ecuador) to the north, south and East.

Brazil’s economy is a leader in Latin America in various economic sectors, such as industry, agriculture and exports. In addition, it is a member of the BRICS bloc (Brazil, Russia , India, China and South Africa), countries considered emerging superpowers. The nation is a member of other forums, the major economic both at the regional and international level, such is the case of MERCOSUR, UNASUR and CELAC, as well as the G20.

Despite its high industrial development and having high levels of foreign investment, Brazil is one of the nations most unequal in the continent, due to the immense differences that exist between the urban population and the rural population, the latter mostly mired in high levels of poverty and illiteracy. Brazilian indigenous peoples comprise a large number of different ethnic groups that inhabited the present Brazilian territory before the arrival of Europeans in the 16th century and still today there are numerous ethnic groups in various areas of the country.

Map of Brazil
Map of Brazil
Brazil on Map
Brazil on Map
Brazil Map
Brazil Map

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